Monday, 26 March 2007

Day one: 29.6km - done!

All well. I got back to our tent first with Sark 5 minutes behind. Took it easy and walked (fast) a large percentage of it. 4hrs 50 mins; I'm in 288th place.

The terrain is amazing. Ruggedly beautiful. Lots of small sand dunes and hills. Very tough going underfoot and up to 40 degrees C. Aim was to get in the first day unscathed, so have achieved that. No blisters, I can feel my bum knee but it’s okay.

This really is the most incredible event. The atmosphere is so real. A mix of ultra-fit serious endurance athletes, and then people like us, and then those who will get through on sheer will power.

We do 35km tomorrow. Most difficult so far is the organisation of food. Got my pack down in weight to 8.5kg at check-in. Very pleased, it gets lighter every day now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What exactly is a bum knee? I was aware these ultra-types had finely tuned body parts the rest of us may lack - but I certainly didn't have one of those last time I looked